Thursday, December 11, 2008

Miracles Really Do Happen!

Unbelievable - that is about THE word to sum up todays events.

They turned on the device and kept ramping up the "electricity" going through his body. The higher it got, the less the tremor was visible. Then, no tremor. Like gone, bye bye, all gone. We were watching through big tears of joy! It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life! He was still.

Then, they kept adjusting the device to ensure he had the best results possible. Then, his face lightened up. That Parkinson's mask was gone. He has expression in his face. He smiled today more times than I can possibly remember. It is so wonderful - I almost forgot what he looked like genuinely happy, not laughing, just a regular happy guy.

He started talking across the room and I heard him. I wasn't straining or asking him to repeat himself. His voice is booming again.

The doctors asked him to go out in the hall and walk for them - his arms swung - not stiff and rigid, but actually swung at his sides.

We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and he ate and did not struggle.

I am amazed and in awe of what these doctors did for Tim. He is where he was 7 years ago - BACK TO NORMAL!

We need to play with his meds now - he definitely doesn't need all of them, but it is dangerous to quit cold turkey so we have to give him the least amount to be in his system that will reak the least amount of havoc.

The power of modern medicine combined with the power of prayer worked amazingly well!!!!!!

I need to thank you all again for all of your help during this very difficult time. It's all good from here on out! Love to all.....


Lisa and Family said...

I am so thrilled for him and all of you. Craig sounded so relieved last night and very happy. Tim sounded WONDERFUL!!! I'm glad you wrote that about dinner, too, because I kept thinking it must have been wonderful for him when he was able to eat easily. I'm so proud of him and I really admire his courage.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, God.

And thank you, Carie, for keeping us all up-to-date on Tim's amazing progress. I know he still has some days of adjustment ahead, so I'll keep sending those prayers your way.

Aunt Em