Friday, April 17, 2009

Clean Bill of Health (well, as clean as it can be)

Tim went back to UVA yesterday with his parents for a "tune-up". All feedback I have heard is VERY positive, with 2 thumbs up!!! The doctors are so pleased with the success of this surgery!

Arlene had brought the video of the benefit which took place a couple of weeks prior to the first surgery. I got so sad. He looked awful. I could not believe how bad off he was based on how good he is now. We are truly very lucky that he was able to be fixed as well as he was.

We thank our stars EVERY day. We appreciate the time that we have with him now as "normal" for as long as we have.

Thank you all again for your support and continued prayers and well wishes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tim's Tune Up

Tim went back to the doctor this morning for a re-programming of the DBS. He will need to do this monthly for the next six months or so. The doctors were extremely pleased with his progress. They all said he was much further along than he should be. Normal to us, is apparently, adapting quickly to new DBS to them :-)

The surgeon was not there today, as his wife decided to have twins this morning. Yeah for Dr. & Mrs. Elias. A great big congratulations from us to them.

He has gone from 14 pills a day to 1/2 to none. Pretty amazing. He looks great and is happy!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

It will be one for us, that is for sure! Tim is doing superb! We are all doing superb! We couldn't be any more pleased (ok maybe a little, but that is what reprogramming is for - scheduled for 1/22)!!!!

You know, you never realize how bad something was until it is gone. I never realized how much of Tim was hiding under Parkinson's. He is so much better now! He glows, he laughs, he frowns, he chuckles, he talks, he jokes AND it is all done with facial expression!!!!

He is so beautiful. I forgot just how beautiful he was (sorry if you read this honey, but it is true)!!! He was always handsome, pre-PD and through the years with PD, but there is something about him when his eyes glow and his face moves. You cannot play poker with him any more, not that you ever did before, but you get where I am going with this... He is just wonderful to look at now, and to talk with!

His tremor in his right side is still all gone! His tremor in his left hand depends on the time of day and it is never where it was. He had both hands out today and was still. My heart filled with joy. His body has been relatively still the entire time and there are no more dsykensias. His head is where it is suppose to be - facing front at all times and it doesn't wiggle any more.

Tim is grateful and understands that with this second lease on life, there is no wasting time. So... we will plan our future again. Goals we once had in place that were removed will be back on the drawing board!
Only time will tell, but I see a great 2009 for the Tim Blum Family!!!!! We wish you all the same!