Thursday, December 4, 2008

Definitely Doing Better

Tim is really doing better. He just told me he is going to the grocery store - either he is feeling really better or is bored to tears :-) I'll take either as long as he isn't inside depressed!

He is getting ready for next week. He spoke to the nurse yesterday for the surgery on Tuesday. She told him that he will be getting glued back together after the implant - now I know some of you don't like the glue, however, if it doesn't work, they aren't going to let him leave with an open wound on the chest, so they will take care of it!

I am getting anxious for this next surgery and then the procedure to turn him on on Thursday. He was standing holding a bag of chips earlier today and it sounded like an earthquake in the bag. Poor guy is having a bad tremor day. Can't wait til these are a thing of the past, a distant memory, a "remember when" kind of thought...


Maureen (Blum) King said...

Are you so excited to see me??? :) I am looking forward to the vacation (oh and being there for Tim) I am so excited to be able to see the results. Woo hooo. I am bringing him great big hugs and huge kisses. Just like he likes!

Carie said...

You know it Mo! I can't wait to see you!! It has been so long. Hugs are good for Tim, but don't put too much pressure - we wouldn't want his brains to come out of the holes on the top of his head :-) The kids are excited you are coming too!!! Boy, do we have a fun weekend in store for you. You'll feel like you are home - this practice, that event, a birthday party to go to. Oh yeah!!!!